External Email - Use Caution        

Hello FreeSurfer Devs,

after trying to run freesurfer w/ fMRIprep, I get the following error:

GNU libc version: 2.23
ERROR: Systems running GNU glibc version greater than 2.15
  require a newly formatted license file (it's free). Please
  download a new one from the following page:

After which I tried to generate a new license via the above link. However,
the form always redirects to a Spammer page. While I did generate a license
file in the past, I would like to have an updated license compatible with
the above system.

I am not a spammer, but a PhD student at UC Santa Barbara :)

Thank you!


Frederic R. Hopp
PhD Student -- UCSB Department of Communication <https://comm.ucsb.edu/>
Researcher -- Media Neuroscience Lab <https://www.medianeuroscience.org/>
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