I'm guessing that the fragments might cause problems later either in gtmseg as 
a hard failure or in gtmpvc as an ill-conditioned matrix. But you can try it 

On 1/11/2020 6:04 PM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Thanks, that solution seems to work finally. I just ignored the remaining 
voxels labeled according to the standard aseg scheme and proceeded with the the 
PET analysis and the combined LUT.
I will ignore the remaining fragment labels from the original aseg and only use 
the output from the BN labels (starting with 211), these are the only results 
im really interested in. Is that ok?

Here an example stats file I got:

  1    2 Left-Cerebral-White-Matter      wm             41550 13909.534        
0.989       0.0935
  2    7 Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter    wm              2276 1037.525        
0.854       0.0811
  3    8 Left-Cerebellum-Cortex          cortex         10936 6010.637        
1.015       0.1339
  4   10 Left-Thalamus-Proper            subcort_gm         3    0.024       
-0.815       0.2251
  5   11 Left-Caudate                    subcort_gm         3    0.035       
21.480       0.1746
  6   12 Left-Putamen                    subcort_gm        25    0.459        
3.161       0.0615
  7   13 Left-Pallidum                   subcort_gm        49    1.497        
1.474       0.0667
  8   16 Brain-Stem                      subcort_gm      4599 2714.856        
0.929       0.1000
  9   17 Left-Hippocampus                subcort_gm         2    0.023       
-3.152       0.1702
 10   18 Left-Amygdala                   subcort_gm         1    0.005       
-7.082       0.1060
 11   24 CSF                             csf             7468 2623.527        
0.251       0.2568
 12   26 Left-Accumbens-area             subcort_gm         0    0.004        
0.879          nan
 13   28 Left-VentralDC                  subcort_gm       714  205.288        
1.358       0.1427
 14   31 Left-choroid-plexus             csf              220   18.333        
5.945       0.6080
 15   41 Right-Cerebral-White-Matter     wm             40645 13911.597        
0.987       0.0841
 16   46 Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter   wm              2146  990.941        
0.862       0.0826
 17   47 Right-Cerebellum-Cortex         cortex         11029 6187.241        
0.985       0.1317
 18   49 Right-Thalamus-Proper           subcort_gm        11    0.140        
0.032       0.2024
 19   50 Right-Caudate                   subcort_gm         1    0.009       
-2.162       0.0258
 20   51 Right-Putamen                   subcort_gm        44    2.020        
3.727       0.1893
 21   52 Right-Pallidum                  subcort_gm        24    0.316        
5.739       0.1814
 22   53 Right-Hippocampus               subcort_gm         3    0.026       
16.575       0.2951
 23   54 Right-Amygdala                  subcort_gm         7    0.081        
4.637       0.0897
 24   58 Right-Accumbens-area            subcort_gm         0    0.000       
-4.474          nan
 25   60 Right-VentralDC                 subcort_gm       728  198.051        
1.430       0.2142
 26   63 Right-choroid-plexus            csf              136   10.088        
6.633       0.5924
 27  211 mAmyg_L                         subcort_gm       264   48.960        
1.126       0.1262
 28  212 mAmyg_R                         subcort_gm       268   46.429        
1.292       0.1920
 29  213 lAmyg_L                         subcort_gm       131    6.503        
1.889       0.1003
 30  214 lAmyg_R                         subcort_gm       181   13.490        
1.382       0.1237
 31  215 rHipp_L                         subcort_gm      1020  260.090        
1.166       0.1828
 32  216 rHipp_R                         subcort_gm       833  241.777        
1.149       0.2291
 33  217 cHipp_L                         subcort_gm       911  288.346        
1.578       0.3201
 34  218 cHipp_R                         subcort_gm      1050  330.445        
1.273       0.2312
 35  219 vCa_L                           subcort_gm       626  170.254        
1.205       0.0829
 36  220 vCa_R                           subcort_gm       477   84.269        
1.491       0.0933
 37  221 GP_L                            subcort_gm       597  133.161        
1.369       0.0977
 38  222 GP_R                            subcort_gm       514   93.978        
1.491       0.0811
 39  223 NAC_L                           subcort_gm       412   67.647        
1.348       0.1591
 40  224 NAC_R                           subcort_gm       503   87.917        
1.240       0.1258
 41  225 vmPu_L                          subcort_gm       465  128.509        
1.740       0.0783
 42  226 vmPu_R                          subcort_gm       367   83.411        
1.588       0.0699
 43  227 dCa_L                           subcort_gm       997  255.259        
0.821       0.1448
 44  228 dCa_R                           subcort_gm      1271  405.156        
1.017       0.1380
 45  229 dlPu_L                          subcort_gm       678  122.256        
1.356       0.0960
 46  230 dlPu_R                          subcort_gm       585  150.878        
1.319       0.0942
 47  231 mPFtha_L                        subcort_gm       278   34.255        
0.562       0.0971
 48  232 mPFtha_R                        subcort_gm       293   33.479        
0.513       0.1725
 49  233 mPMtha_L                        subcort_gm       166    8.628        
0.960       0.0501
 50  234 mPMtha_R                        subcort_gm       316   41.442        
0.915       0.0645
 51  235 Stha_L                          subcort_gm       222   25.913        
1.007       0.0551
 52  236 Stha_R                          subcort_gm       241   53.103        
1.229       0.0608
 53  237 rTtha_L                         subcort_gm       344   12.690        
2.379       0.2204
 54  238 rTtha_R                         subcort_gm       240   35.057        
0.800       0.1077
 55  239 PPtha_L                         subcort_gm       331   23.986        
1.627       0.0688
 56  240 PPtha_R                         subcort_gm       319   21.868        
0.954       0.1150
 57  241 Otha_L                          subcort_gm       244   28.491        
0.014       0.1617
 58  242 Otha_R                          subcort_gm       158    7.610        
0.548       0.1713
 59  243 cTtha_L                         subcort_gm       212   10.919        
1.547       0.1571
 60  244 cTtha_R                         subcort_gm       250   25.427        
3.840       0.2807
 61  245 lPFtha_L                        subcort_gm       532   94.580        
1.016       0.0732
 62  246 lPFtha_R                        subcort_gm       466   54.950        
1.086       0.0751
 63 1001 ctx-lh-bankssts                 cortex           595  124.965        
1.709       0.0686
 64 1002 ctx-lh-caudalanteriorcingulate  cortex           370   66.174        
1.304       0.0951
 65 1003 ctx-lh-caudalmiddlefrontal      cortex          1039  223.909        
1.706       0.0871
 66 1005 ctx-lh-cuneus                   cortex           598   78.428        
1.719       0.1002
 67 1006 ctx-lh-entorhinal               cortex           332   50.969        
1.633       0.1099
 68 1007 ctx-lh-fusiform                 cortex          1787  368.987        
1.610       0.1025
 69 1008 ctx-lh-inferiorparietal         cortex          2521  591.841        
1.773       0.1011
 70 1009 ctx-lh-inferiortemporal         cortex          2209  565.372        
1.514       0.1144
 71 1010 ctx-lh-isthmuscingulate         cortex           558  100.622        
1.419       0.1414
 72 1011 ctx-lh-lateraloccipital         cortex          2243  461.999        
1.620       0.1021
 73 1012 ctx-lh-lateralorbitofrontal     cortex          1540  367.233        
1.539       0.1629
 74 1013 ctx-lh-lingual                  cortex          1158  218.085        
1.641       0.1091
 75 1014 ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal      cortex          1065  254.158        
1.480       0.1427
 76 1015 ctx-lh-middletemporal           cortex          2187  515.131        
1.615       0.1146
 77 1016 ctx-lh-parahippocampal          cortex           382   47.547        
1.106       0.1159
 78 1017 ctx-lh-paracentral              cortex           644  106.788        
1.464       0.1035
 79 1018 ctx-lh-parsopercularis          cortex           832  168.841        
1.478       0.0728
 80 1019 ctx-lh-parsorbitalis            cortex           554  117.573        
1.381       0.1071
 81 1020 ctx-lh-parstriangularis         cortex           678  130.710        
1.667       0.0828
 82 1021 ctx-lh-pericalcarine            cortex           390   47.638        
1.575       0.0770
 83 1022 ctx-lh-postcentral              cortex          2099  367.425        
1.527       0.0933
 84 1023 ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate       cortex           529   95.601        
1.554       0.1022
 85 1024 ctx-lh-precentral               cortex          2722  535.813        
1.465       0.0852
 86 1025 ctx-lh-precuneus                cortex          1849  381.092        
1.666       0.1002
 87 1026 ctx-lh-rostralanteriorcingulate cortex           336   64.563        
1.368       0.0903
 88 1027 ctx-lh-rostralmiddlefrontal     cortex          2737  619.430        
1.574       0.0873
 89 1028 ctx-lh-superiorfrontal          cortex          4575 1101.963        
1.552       0.0923
 90 1029 ctx-lh-superiorparietal         cortex          2505  430.339        
1.645       0.0859
 91 1030 ctx-lh-superiortemporal         cortex          2517  575.940        
1.559       0.1020
 92 1031 ctx-lh-supramarginal            cortex          1925  466.262        
1.609       0.0921
 93 1032 ctx-lh-frontalpole              cortex           293   51.884        
1.653       0.1294
 94 1033 ctx-lh-temporalpole             cortex           547  131.885        
1.500       0.1562
 95 1034 ctx-lh-transversetemporal       cortex           319   49.071        
1.572       0.0740
 96 1035 ctx-lh-insula                   cortex          1621  362.309        
1.323       0.0805
 97 2001 ctx-rh-bankssts                 cortex           452   80.636        
1.581       0.0649
 98 2002 ctx-rh-caudalanteriorcingulate  cortex           430   84.382        
1.328       0.1183
 99 2003 ctx-rh-caudalmiddlefrontal      cortex           975  201.479        
1.678       0.0699
100 2005 ctx-rh-cuneus                   cortex           582   80.806        
1.758       0.0961
101 2006 ctx-rh-entorhinal               cortex           289   43.979        
1.594       0.1093
102 2007 ctx-rh-fusiform                 cortex          1607  361.265        
1.495       0.0887
103 2008 ctx-rh-inferiorparietal         cortex          3102  744.405        
1.622       0.0779
104 2009 ctx-rh-inferiortemporal         cortex          2324  612.805        
1.469       0.1153
105 2010 ctx-rh-isthmuscingulate         cortex           449   72.682        
1.539       0.1213
106 2011 ctx-rh-lateraloccipital         cortex          2145  493.213        
1.535       0.1295
107 2012 ctx-rh-lateralorbitofrontal     cortex          1519  366.246        
1.576       0.1602
108 2013 ctx-rh-lingual                  cortex          1215  246.293        
1.424       0.0999
109 2014 ctx-rh-medialorbitofrontal      cortex          1305  339.745        
1.431       0.1371
110 2015 ctx-rh-middletemporal           cortex          2409  582.090        
1.586       0.1214
111 2016 ctx-rh-parahippocampal          cortex           379   47.722        
1.137       0.1003
112 2017 ctx-rh-paracentral              cortex           872  150.762        
1.495       0.0849
113 2018 ctx-rh-parsopercularis          cortex           692  140.443        
1.484       0.0957
114 2019 ctx-rh-parsorbitalis            cortex           624  133.260        
1.487       0.1093
115 2020 ctx-rh-parstriangularis         cortex           848  172.425        
1.586       0.1047
116 2021 ctx-rh-pericalcarine            cortex           399   47.618        
1.599       0.0767
117 2022 ctx-rh-postcentral              cortex          1965  341.079        
1.497       0.0902
118 2023 ctx-rh-posteriorcingulate       cortex           608  110.509        
1.490       0.1064
119 2024 ctx-rh-precentral               cortex          2851  600.118        
1.408       0.0789
120 2025 ctx-rh-precuneus                cortex          1991  429.967        
1.655       0.0960
121 2026 ctx-rh-rostralanteriorcingulate cortex           407   82.757        
1.508       0.1203
122 2027 ctx-rh-rostralmiddlefrontal     cortex          3064  725.576        
1.621       0.0891
123 2028 ctx-rh-superiorfrontal          cortex          4110 1001.983        
1.549       0.0944
124 2029 ctx-rh-superiorparietal         cortex          2413  427.643        
1.638       0.0866
125 2030 ctx-rh-superiortemporal         cortex          2326  561.451        
1.538       0.1110
126 2031 ctx-rh-supramarginal            cortex          2051  456.793        
1.586       0.0923
127 2032 ctx-rh-frontalpole              cortex           321   60.867        
1.478       0.1243
128 2033 ctx-rh-temporalpole             cortex           582  141.009        
1.623       0.1824
129 2034 ctx-rh-transversetemporal       cortex           210   25.529        
1.678       0.0695
130 2035 ctx-rh-insula                   cortex          1499  383.186        
1.295       0.0828

Am 10.01.2020 um 18:45 schrieb Greve, Douglas N.,Ph.D. 

gtmseg --head BN_apas+head.mgz --s 1122_test --o NEU_BN.gtmseg.mgz --ctx-annot 
BN_Atlas.annot --ctab 

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