External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Freesurfer developers,

1- I want to extract the uncorrected clusters from the uncorrected
significance maps obtained from mri_glmfit for structural data (to
illustrate cluster, size, location, and significance) like
abs.sig.cluster.summary (summary of clusters (text))which is obtained
from mri_glmfit-sim. Is there a way to do this?

2- I don't see any clusters when I use cluster-based correction for
multiple comparisons (for example mri_glmfit-sim \  --glmdir
lh.Area.glmdir \ --sim mc-z 10000 2 mc-z.abs\ --sim-sign abs --cache 4
neg \  --cwp  0.05\  --2spaces). How much is it significant if I
report the uncorrected clusters?

3- Are there new ways of looking at the whole brain together (not left
and right hemisphere separately)by Qdec and FSGD?

4- How can I do fdr correction in mri_glmfit-sim? what flag should I use?

5- How can I demean and normalize the covariates when I use FSGD? what flag
should I use?

Thanks you in advance!
Best regards,
Freesurfer mailing list

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