External Email - Use Caution        

Hello Freesurfer developers,

Recently, I have used QDEC of freesurfer 6.0.0 to examine the cortical 
thickness differences between two groups, and the manuscript has been submitted 
to a journal. One reviewer raised a question -"The manuscript stated that the 
right and left hemisphere were tested separately. Could the authors provide an 
explanation for this? I assume that testing over 68 (all ROIs) vs testing 
separately left and right (34 ROIs) would have an effect?" Unfornately, I don't 
know how to responde to this reviewer, so I would like to ask for your help. I 
just followed the tutorials of QDEC 
and I found QDEC analyses have always be done for the two hemispheres 
separately. So, could you please provide some perspective and citation about 
the validation for such design of QDEC?

Thank you in advance for your assistance,
Best regards,

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