On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:20:22AM -0700, Michael Collins wrote:
> I was curious about this myself. Even if someone has built a non-free
> skills-based ACD using FS I'd like to know about it.
> -MC

I guess nobody paid any attention to my Cluecon presentation... :(

http://wiki.opencsm.org/wiki/index.php/Spice_Telephony is a skill-based
ACD that uses FS for its voice components. I havent pimped it here in
quite a while but here's some of its major features

* Skill based routing
* Priority Queues (instead of just FIFO)
* Multiple call types (voice, voicemail and email are currently
  supported, instant message support (via libpurple) is prototyped)
* Outbound call support (no autodialer though)
* Distributed system so you can aggregate multiple FS
  instances/locations into one big 'virtual' callcenter
* Web-based agent and administrative interface

There's quite a bit more, but that's the overview. The project is
finally approaching a 1.0 after over a year of development - I hope to
deploy it in production sometime around the end of this year or the
beginning of 2010 (replacing my previous custom asterisk solution).

You can grab the code at
http://git.opencsm.org/index.cgi/spice-telephony/ (you can browse or
git clone that URL). All you should need to run it is a modern erlang
release (R12B5 or newer) and ruby/rake to run the build.


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