Hi Adrian,

Sounds great!

On 06/04/2016 10:43 AM, Adrian Musceac wrote:
> So what is stopping us from doing that? Not very much apparently. All
> the bits and pieces are there already, David and Brady did a huge
> amount of work on the VHF 2400 modes, so sending a 1300 bit/s stream
> of Codec2 over the air using a standard handheld should be a breeze.
> But we might need to be able to also talk APRS to send coordinates, so
> switching between modes should be easy.
I already did some work for APRS integration. I am calling it 'FPRS' and
sending a postion update can already be done with two data frames
(80ms), adding more stuff like direction and altitude will ofcourse add
some more.

To get it short the protocol is binary instead of text based like APRS,
but I also made an fprs2aprs_gate which will listen for FPRS packets and
will translate them to APRS packets before sending them to the APRS-IS
freedv_eth is the software I use for transmitting/receiving freedv using
soundcards and it can handle NMEA data from a GPS receiver and transmit
it together with voice and other data. It might be nice example you can
use in DroidDV.

Very limited documentation can be found at:

The code (fprs2aprs_gate and freedv_eth) can be found in my eth_ar
archive: http://video.vreeken.net/~pe1rxq/eth_ar.git/

Jeroen PE1RXQ

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