Hi David,

I've watched with interest your recent foray into FreeDV data transmission.
There's a new and interesting project called HNAP (https://hnap.de ) which has 
the same goals (long distance IP links). The project is well described in this 
year's SDRA talk by Lukas O.
Inspired by both your project and theirs, I wrote a 4FSK data mode which has 
the following characteristics:

- 100 kbaud, 1/2 convolutional code
- fits in a 200 kHz channel on the 70 cm and 23 cm bands (IARU region 1 
- full duplex
- works with 50 watt FM amplifiers
- good SNR performance, 20 km point to point access distance tested with small 
non-directional antennas
- carries layer 2 (Ethernet) frames

Do you have anything planned for VHF as well?

Best regards,
Freetel-codec2 mailing list

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