> The most important aspect for the LSB is the ABI stability. What does
> this community think on this aspect?

Basically, the ABI is stable.  There are some glitches under the hood
because applications use FreeType's internal functions which cause
binary incompatibilities, but we are going to fix this -- this is,
David Turner has already written and submitted patches for some
important programs, and the next major FreeType release no longer will
install the internal header functions.

Note that I'm not a .dll and .so guru, and maybe others can answer
that better (David is on vacation right now).

> Some of the additional requirements that we have include: available
> API documentation,

It's fully documented (with the help of a python script which converts
source comments to HTML).

> a test suite to test the runtime (if this does not exist or is
> incomplete, LSB can help) etc.

Aah, this is good to know!  We currently don't have a test suite, and
we welcome volunteers.


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