On 1/31/2010 6:08 PM, Bruce Long wrote:
If you are using the 'grays' renderer you could always use the call-back routine. Then instead of assigning a value from 0 to 255 use a scaling factor to push the values closer to 255. Of course you glyphs will look a little fatter.

For example, add (say) 64 to each pixel value then if the result is > 255, set it to 255.

Or, multiply the pixel value by (say) 1.5. Then set any values >255 to 255.

(Tor, sorry I sent that to only you instead of reply -all.)

I'll give this a try. Where/how do you register the callback routine? As for "fatness" of the glyphs, maybe instead of pushing the values brighter, I could have a threshold and zero out anything below that threshold?

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