Hi Freetype, I've spent about a day trying to make the lower window (Kubuntu
22.04 KDE), look like
the top window (Kubuntu 18.04 KDE). I can't upgrade until I can get a
non-antialised terminal font
that's legible.
window manager fonts, /"Arial"
/terminal font "/liberation mono/"
antialiasing disabled using a dozen different methods, qt5ct, Xresources,
interpreter-version=35. ~/.fonts.conf, ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf. DPI
changes make a slight difference. 92 to 120.
Editing /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-antialias.conf seemed to have the widest reaching
impact to the most apps.
<!-- Use the Antialiasing -->
<match target="pattern">
<edit name="antialias" mode="append"><bool>*false*</bool></edit>
Are non-antialiased fonts no longer possible and I'm stuck on Ubuntu 18.04? I
compiled freetype 2.8.1 and
dropped that on the newer system, no change, so I suspect it's a configuration
*Kubuntu 18.04 (above)
Kubuntu 22.04 (below)
thanks for any "hints",