Thanks Werner,  the images were embedded/smime, but they're attached to this 

I posted the comparison here if it's easier,

Fonts are antialiased in ftview, is there a way to have ftview render fonts 
without antialiasing?

Please see the attached image and send me on my way if this isn't a freetype 
thing.  I'm
still looking at DPI,  Do non-antialised fonts prefer a DPI, is it the 
fractional scaling that
causes the pixelation perhaps?


On 10/27/22 9:24 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
I've spent about a day trying to make the lower window (Kubuntu
22.04 KDE), look like the top window (Kubuntu 18.04 KDE) [...]
First of all, there were no images attached to your mail.  Secondly,
you are barking up the wrong tree, sorry: FreeType is a very low-level
library, and all the possible causes you describe are not directly
related to FreeType at all.  If your font works as expected with one
of our demo programs like `ftview` (of which I'm quite sure), then
FreeType's job is done.

I suggest that you contact a Kubuntu forum.  If this doesn't help, try
to find help within the KDE community.  As a last resort, contact the
terminal app and FontConfig maintainers.


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