Great info thanks again Werner, keeping this in the realm of freetype/ftview,
option might I pass to ftview to get the ftview rendering looking like the
amber terminal
in the attachment? Again, I'm trying to avoid antialiasing, particularly in
console/monospaced consoles.
On 10/28/22 8:32 AM, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
Thanks Werner, the images were embedded/smime,
Nope, see
but they're attached to this email.
Now they are, thanks.
Fonts are antialiased in ftview, is there a way to have ftview
render fonts without antialiasing?
Assuming a recent `ftview` version, call
ftview -m hintslight -e unic 17 LiberationMono-Regular.ttf
to see the text string 'hintslight' using your terminal font at
17ppem. Press 'H' to cycle through hinting modes, eventually
selecting 'v35' (which supports B/W hinting). Then press 'A' to
activate monochrome rendering. I get identical rendering to the upper
part of your image.
Please see the attached image and send me on my way if this isn't a
freetype thing.
It's definitely not a FreeType thing. BTW, the above xrdb output in
your image shows 'hintslight', which the used terminal font definitely
is not. I suspect that somewhere your main FontConfig configuration
file gets overridden with an exception for 'Liberation Mono Regular'.
An alternative but less likely theory is that the terminal app ignores
FontConfig settings completely, doing the rendering (and
configuration) by itself.
I'm still looking at DPI, Do non-antialised fonts prefer a DPI, is
it the fractional scaling that causes the pixelation perhaps?
Whatever scaling value you use, the result is rounded to get an
integer 'pixels per em' (ppem) value. You have to reduce the font
size if the system's DPI value is (automatically?) set to a larger