On 7/19/06, Robert Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not strictly true I think. Sure, Linux can't run without a PC but does that
> mean it can't exist without one? Linux started its existence in Torvalds'
> head before it appeared on a CPU and if all CPUs vanished tomorrow it would
> still exist in his and other experts heads.
> Similarly, who says I can't have a mind without a body? Won't it carry on
> existing in the mind of the Intelligent Designer?

The problem here is the same problem virtually every discussion of
consciousness has, which is that a certain degree of mysticism
inevitably develops. The good side is that it happens so often because
there's probably really something there of some kind; the bad side is
that once you get on that tangent having a logical discussion becomes
quite difficult, and avoiding religion becomes almost impossible. I
think avoiding religion in discussion is a good principle just because
it means you can avoid offending people. (This is the same reason I
try not to mention Smalltalk.)

Giles Bowkett

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