Robert J. Cordingley wrote at 09/24/2012 04:38 PM:
> But my point (regarding God) was an expectation of action by whatever I
> have faith in and has nothing to do with action on my part.  The
> expected action can be provision of n virgins, not going to hell, relief
> from pain, reincarnation as a higher being and all sorts of other forms
> of divine intervention.

That's just a slight variation on what I laid out.  The point being that
whatever the article of faith is (a being, an attribute of the world,
etc.), if it _matters_ to the conclusion whether or not that article is
true/false or exists or whatever, _then_ belief in it is more likely to
be called "faith".  That's because the word "faith" is used to call out
or point out when someone is basing their position (or their actions),
in part, on an unjustified assumption.

I.e. "faith" is a label used to identify especially important
components.  Less important components can be negligible, ignored, or
easily adopted by everyone involved.

> PS I may have missed it but please can you explain what a compressible
> process is? (I know how it relates to things like gasses and some
> liquids). R

A compressible system can be (adequately) represented, mimicked, or
replaced by a smaller system.  Any (adequate) representation of an
incompressible system will be just as large as the system itself.


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