Arq sounds great, thanks for the pointer.  Looks like a winner.

Kinda interesting dropbox uses amazon too.

   -- Owen

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Barry MacKichan <> wrote:

> I'll put in my two cents.
> All the files I care about are on a Mac, so I use Arq, which backs up to
> Amazon's S3 and Glacier services. There are two levels of S3 service which
> vary in their redundancy. The higher level (S3 standard storage) claims:
> Designed for 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability of objects
> over a given year.
> Designed to sustain the concurrent loss of data in two facilities.
> The price is now $.095 per gigabyte per month. I have watched it go down
> from $.15 to $.095, but it may not be going down as fast as hard drive
> prices.
> Amazon's Glacier storage is $.01 per gigabyte per month, but it has a time
> delay on recovery (about 4 hours, enough time for the gerbils to mount a
> tape). It can get expensive to move a lot of data in and out of Glacier,
> but it is fine for long time storage.
> So now I have my home folder tree on Time Machine and Amazon S3. I have a
> music and old data (carried forth from PC to PC since the late 80's) on
> Glacier, so for most of my data (but not bought applications) I have copies
> 1) on my Mac, 2) on my Time Machine, and 3) on S3 and Glacier offsite.
> The next problem is if (when) I have to reduce the amount of data on my
> Mac (when going to SSD, possibly) I will need a place for the data moved
> off my Mac and my Tiime Machine. I probably will go with a Drobo, which has
> a good bit of redundancy and which would require only a Glacier backup
> ($10.00 per terabyte per month) .
> I am putting some faith in Amazon, but their record is so far quite good,
> and a disk in a safety deposit box, at least in my case, would be updated
> rarely if at all.
> --Barry
> On Jan 16, 2013, at 9:30 AM, Owen Densmore wrote:
> I figured out the google drive vs g+ plan.  It turns out they are
> integrated, a good thing I think.  I was concerned it was yet another half
> baked stunt but this seems pretty well managed.
>    -- Owen
> torage plan pricing
> Learn about your options for purchasing more storage for Google Drive,
> Google+ Photos, and Gmail.
> Store up to 5 GB between Google Drive and Google+ Photos, then pay for
> additional storage as your account grows. Here's how it works:
>    - Tap into your free storage as soon as you start using Google Drive
>    and G+ Photos.
>    - Purchase additional storage that can be shared across Google Drive
>    and G+ Photos. When you purchase additional storage, your Gmail storage
>    limit will automatically be increased to 25 GB.
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