Merle Lefkoff wrote at 03/26/2013 02:00 PM:
> Do you guys believe the metaphor of the Edge of Chaos is applicable
> here for promoting hope?  I use it to say with a perfectly straight
> face:  this is when change is most likely to happen.

I'm not a big fan of the Edge of Chaos.  It's attractive, I admit.  But
it seems to me that we pattern detectors do more imputing than
detecting.  Hence, the interestingness we see at the edge is just as
false as the uninterestingness we see at either extreme.

We could go back to Kauffman's paper, though, and talk about criticality
and the indicators (if any) for a coming phase transition... perhaps a
"mixed state"?  What density/spread of 20-something activists does one
need to induce a transition?

=><= glen e. p. ropella
Still so goddamn hungry

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