Why does the conversation always hinge on Snowden's morality?  We all knew the 
US government is rotten -- so no news there?  But an individual breaking an 
oath to hide this fact -- that is news?  How dare he reveal what we all knew 
was likely the case?  

Snowden was well aware of how whistleblowers are treated in the US,  specifically with character 
assassination, legal prosecution, and physical and psychological intimidation.  
Why exactly would it be more honorable to sacrifice himself ineffectually? It 
seems the manner he chose got his message out and he has been able to continue 
to shape and argue his case.  Something he would not likely have been able to 
do had he given himself up to the US's prison system that allows for punitive 
isolation,  something he would likely have received to protect us,  his 
victims,  from any more of his dangerous ideas and information.


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