I suspect that aspirations are, like most ideological constructs, less causal 
than we think they are.  Going back to what Marcus actually meant, it seems to 
me that (most) humans are so ultimately/fundamentally social, that all they 
_ever_ do is seek out community just for the comfort of being in the community 
... that those of us who look for, or form, or switch amongst, communities in 
order to achieve various objectives are somehow psychopaths ... or narcissists, 
abusers or exploiters.

In that same vein, these articles caught my eye:

The last one, in particular, seems to imply that those who are most likely to 
think a community really has a mission (as opposed to the illusion of a 
mission) are the most extreme of the bunch, the hard-liners, the obnoxious 
ones.  Everyone else just kinda buys into it (or the illusion of it) and goes 
about socializing.  With AA, perhaps what happens is that most people just join 
the community to burn time and socialize _until_ they spontaneously mature out 
of their habit (the extremes become evangelicals or have lots of lapses).  As 
such, perhaps rather than people voting according to their aspirations, they 
just vote according to whatever forcing structures their embedding social 
system tells them to vote for.

I hope I'm wrong and you're right, because this would make me a psychopath, 
narcissist, abuser, exploiter, et al, concept with which I don't really want to 
identify. 8^)

On 07/15/2015 02:34 PM, Vladimyr Burachynsky wrote:
Sometimes I wonder if our society may in fact be a
collaboration of the criminal minded. The fact that it
appears to promote civilization seems a convenient
Cover-Up story.

If money is the only incentive how can we distinguish
corporation execs from drug lords or war lords. Even the courts
seem to be nothing more than an appendage of the system
that defines itself as much as politicians define their labours as
"Hard work, deserving of ample rewards."

Well I am somewhat cheered that a machine is delivering pictures from Pluto.
Civilization thrives beyond the planet but apparently not in our neighborhoods.

Let 's assume civilization and society have less in common than a Hot dog 
vendor and a bank robber.
Given a choice the people would always vote for the one that appears
to represent what common people aspire to be...
Glamourous Rascals.

⇔ glen

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