This is just kicking a dead scorpion ... 😁  Thanks Glen for the
follow-up.  The whole curfuffle brings critical thinking to the forefront,
and that ain't bad.  To me, skepticism is a science-oriented version of
mindfulness--being mindful of misgrounded or ungrounded, inculcated
beliefs.  Yes, it does seem that Horgan was careless here and got caught in
his own trap.  The pack turned on this lone wolf.  I'll have to check out
this tNESS.

As my profession was in operations research, I have been a frequenter to
the Informs publications.  The article on intellectual distance looks
intriguing.  Curious finding. Thanks!

Have you read Averill Law's *Simulation Modeling and Analysis*?  Makes a
good reference too.  Cheers.

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 10:00 AM, glen ⛧ <> wrote:

> Dead horses notwithstanding, I found this comment chuckle-worthy:
> -----------
> Mary Mangan • 2016-05-19 02:51 AM
> Heh. Yeah--imagine making evidence-free (aka "impressionistic") claims in
> front of a room full of people who value evidence. Who could have predicted
> that?
> -----------
> That was a comment on this article:
> On 05/19/2016 08:29 AM, glen ⛧ wrote:
> > For me, I tend to be a skeptic in my own field (modeling & simulation)
> and a contrarian outside it.
> And on this front, this article was also interesting:
> Looking Across and Looking Beyond the Knowledge Frontier: Intellectual
> Distance, Novelty, and Resource Allocation in Science
> "We find that evaluators systematically give lower scores to research
> proposals that are closer to their own areas of expertise and to those that
> are highly novel."
> In other words, Horgan's basing his talk on his "impressionistic view" of
> skeptics was just plain lazy.  That doesn't make his contrarian assertions
> false, just fragile.
> --
> ⛧ glen
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