I often like *Counterpunch *for their opinion.  And they make an
excellent point here
as you say, Glen.

My contention for who should be in the presidential debates is that perhaps
notwithstanding the *FiveThirtyEight *simulation results, any candidate on
ballots in *enough *states--where it is possible for them to accrue 270
electoral votes--should be included in the presidential debates.  So under
this criterion, I would argue for the inclusion of both Gary Johnson and
Jill Stein.  If they are not in those debates, it is argued that it is
near-impossible for them to win much in the Electoral College.

Now, Nate Silver makes a different argument for an event with
non-zero probability, but one that would involve Congress making the final
choice.  I mean forget for a moment what success any third-party candidate
may have in the Electoral College, this
"not-getting-to-270-by-any-candidate" scenario  is much more likely given
the way the polls are showing an inexplicable near dead heat between the
two major-party candidates. Of course, this would require a good showing by
the third-party candidates in the Electoral College.

Now, under this "possible" scenario, any other third-party candidate would
have to be considered if they win any state; that is if I understand the
rules for this heretofore unprecedented event. So, if this is so, what if a
third-party candidate can win at least one state? And, this possibility
becomes more plausible for a third-party candidate, the more states that
have them on their ballot.  I am, of course, ruling out the effect of the
corporate-controlled media bias for shirking their role of informing the
electorate that there are more than two candidates for consideration and
the strength of the two-party hegemony in this country.  And, I won't get
into the idea of developing an *epistocracy *to replace all of this, but
it's a good discussion to be had ... 😎

According to *Merriam-Webster*, plausible means "appearing worthy of
belief ."  Maybe this year many things that didn't seem credible in the
past could be worthy of our belief this cycle.  I mean, how credible is it
that Donald Trump would have become the GOP's champion candidate for
POTUS?  Everything seems upside-down this time.  Yes?

On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 5:29 PM, glen ☣ <geprope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I liked the point as made by this post:
> http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/09/28/debate-nights-biggest
> -lie-was-told-by-lester-holt/
> But even if we admit that the only purpose for the peripheral candidates
> is to influence the actual candidates, we still have an argument for
> allowing them to debate.  So, the answer to the question of why they're not
> in the debate really is because it's _bipartisan_ not nonpartisan.  It's
> just another example of how the expressivity of your language biases what
> you do/can understand.
> On 10/03/2016 04:21 PM, Frank Wimberly wrote:
>> Gary Johnson is not plausible.  Didn't 538 say his odds were 2 in 100?
>> On Oct 3, 2016 5:05 PM, "Robert Wall" <wallrobe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This simulation ensemble conducted by *FiveThirtyEight *gives some
>>> plausibility to New Mexico becoming the new Florida with Gary
>>> Johnson--not
>>> Jill Stein--playing the part of Ralph Nader.  It also gives some non-zero
>>> plausibility to Gary Johnson becoming the next POTUS.  So why isn't
>>> Johnson
>>> in the debates?  Isn't plausibility the real criterion?  We need to find
>>> out more about this potential next POTUS.  Yes? [image: πŸ€”][image: 😁]
> --
> [image: ☣] glen
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