Or that universities pursue social justice because they feel the truth that
is not shared will always be the more partial truth?

Or that conservatives are happier pursuing money and pandering to
sympathetic audiences?  (Just kidding, some of my best friends ...)

-- rec --

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 11:50 AM, glen ☣ <geprope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes.  Even beyond the oversimplification that "diversity" means equal
> representation between the fictitious "right" vs. "left", Haidt never
> considers the idea that the very reason there are more left-leaning
> professors is because universities do pursue truth.  And perhaps it just
> turns out that the left is more true than the right.
> On 12/05/2016 06:58 PM, Roger Critchlow wrote:
>> And it's also amusing to consider that the bulk of his complaint is that
>> there is a disparity in representation of conservative views on university
>> campuses that needs to be remedied, a culture of intolerance, a climate of
>> fear, etc, etc, basically the whole micro-aggression argument inverted to
>> make the conservatives the injured minority;  but for other minorities he
>> strenuously argues that remedies for disparities in representation are just
>> wrong.
> --
> ☣ glen
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