> After more careful look at 'install.rst' I think that for now we
> should go with plain text version.  Namely, unlike README,
> .rst version looks significantly worse than plain text version.

What do you mean by "worse"?
That you have to write verbose inline stuff inside ``...``?
That verbose code has to be put indented after a :: ?
That different title lines have to be followed by some underlining?

That is basically all of the markup I used.

What you basically say is, that my conversion was work-done-for-nothing.

My concern is now that you change the current INSTALL file.
Synchronization with my install.rst will be hard since I restructured a
bit. Are you afraid of writing .rst stuff or do you think that my
install.rst is not nicely readable as plain text? I definitely want
install.rst on the web and showing a plain text file on an otherwise
sphinx-generated site would look very unprofessional.

Can we make a compromise that you modify install.rst content-wise and I
add/correct the respective rst markup?


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