> http://math.uni.wroc.pl/~hebisch/fricas/install.rst

0. Change to a directory with enough (0.8 GB) free space

I have not checked, but the 0.8GB seem to include the whole build, right?

1. Fetch sources

      git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/fricas/fricas
      cd fricas

   Remove the ``--depth 1`` option for access to the change history.

Is the ``--depth 1 really important to you? When I clone with depth 1
the size is

      5.877.760 ./.git
     31.539.200 .

without --depth the disk size is

     20.582.400 ./.git
     46.243.840 .

compared to what is generated later. The whole history is less than all
checked out files. Those 15 MB are negligible (also compared to the size
of the build).

2. Create build directory and change to it

       mkdir ax-build
       cd ax-build

Do you want people to do the build inside a subdirectory of the

Why do you call it "ax-..." and not "fricas-build"?

I am more in favour of giving a concrete directory here something like




(possibly putting it into variables F and B,
because calling "./configure" would not work inside "ax-build",
"$F/configure" would.

Anyway, I have changed ax-build t fricas-build.

Since I do not have "." in my PATH, also calling "configure" will not
work even in in-tree-builds.

I've added your modifications (with slight changes)


Rendered version is here:


I'll look into generating a plain text INSTALL file from install.rst later.


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