On 26.04.21 11:04, Grégory Vanuxem wrote:
> Le lun. 26 avr. 2021 à 10:21, Ralf Hemmecke <r...@hemmecke.org> a écrit :
>> On 26.04.21 07:51, Grégory Vanuxem wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I wonder why in my WSL installation of FriCAS (from github)
>>> in the script 'efricas' FRICASCMD points to /usr/local/lib/X86_64/bin/fricas
>>> but in my installation 'fricas' fricas' is located in /usr/local/bin.
>>> Any idea why?
>> Maybe, because the Makefile says so? ;-)
>> The other answer is that you should not care
>> /usr/local/lib/X86_64/bin/fricas and /usr/bin/fricas should be identical.
>> In my case the identical files are
>> /home/hemmecke/software/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/fricas
>> and
>> /home/hemmecke/software/bin/fricas
>> and efricas says
>> FRICASCMD='/home/hemmecke/software/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/fricas'
>> So be relaxed.
> :)
> Just that no longer works in fact ;)

Oh, I haven't seen a bug report, just that something points to some
other place. Do you have something under /usr/local/lib/X86_64?
Actually, I wonder why it is capital X in your case.
Since I have no WSL, I cannot help. Sorry.


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