> Maxima folks were unable to compute anwer and "explained" that
> this system is too complicated and one should not expect answer
> from computer.  In FriCAS on my machine it takes 9.5 seconds
> (answer takes several screens).  In the past I did some
> experiments with Sympy and largish linear systems with symbolic
> coefficients which worked fine in FriCAS were too hard for Sympy.
> Sage has some very good specialized solvers, but AFAIK once things
> get general enough it sends problems to Maxima or Sympy.

I would be very much in favour of collecting such "benchmark" examples
where FriCAS performs better and other systems and make that public so
that we can have a "selling argument".

Would you be able to show-case a number of your comparison experiments.

> Of course, there things missing from FriCAS, but IMO FriCAS
> is pretty strong as "general purpose CAS".

Yes, yes, once you know FriCAS, it is easy to see that. But other people
are not easily convinced. It's like convincing someone to change from
emacs to vi or the other way round. And we know that learning FriCAS is
not that easy so we should put more emphasis on showing a lot of
convincing arguments.


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