Ayant quelques acces bien places je partage avec vous l'email de ce matin (sa
traduction) que @noc.gov.ru adresse aux entites d'etat Russe. On vois
clairement un ordre de rejoindre le RUNET. (RARN, sorte de copie de la
database du RIPE NCC mais sous l'initiative et controle de «Roskomnadzor», le
RAR etant l'equivalent du LIR Portal).

Si l'internet grand public suit la meme direction, alors meme 100% de
l'information sera cantonee et controlee au sein de RUNET.

Je tiens la capture d'ecran originale a disposition des Russophones.

Task Text: Operational Direction
Operational instruction No. OU-312 dated February 28, 2022


Dear colleagues! Due to the special situation and the potential threat of
distortion of information about the critical infrastructure of the Russian
Federation in RIPE NCC and other local registries, I ask you:

1. Take measures to control the information used to update the filters for
receiving BGP in order to exclude the use of distorted data. For these
purposes, it is proposed to use the RARN as actively as possible.

2. All operators need to ensure that the information in the RAR is up to date
as soon as possible

3. Responsibility for the loss of connectivity with networks, the correct
information about which is not available in the RARN, is borne by the operator
responsible for entering these data into the RARN

To be able to view the operational instructions, you must first authenticate
in your personal account through the portal of applicants of Roskomnadzor


il se debranchent eux meme

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