I'm not really good at rule writing, yet, and could really use some 
help, if one of the experts on this list is willing.

I'm trying to print variable name and address information on about 
5500 letters. The problem I'm having seems to be that, except for a 
few of the fields, a particular field might or might not contain 
data, and I'd like to suppress printing of empty fields.

The database (csv file) contains the following fields:


The text block I need to produce is:

<salut> <first> <mi> <last>, <suffix>
<title> <title2>
<company> <company2>
<city>, <state> <zip>

The only fields that are always present are those in the last two 
lines (address1, city, state, & zip)--any other field or combination 
of fields may be blank, and need(s) to be suppressed if it/they 

The comma in the first line between <last> and <suffix> needs to be 
present if and only if <suffix> is not empty and <suffix> is not "II" 
or "III". (Other possibilities for suffix include Jr., Sr., Esq., and 
various degree and certification designations, all of which need the 
preceding comma, but the comma needs to be absent if there is no 
suffix, or if the suffix is II or III.)

I'm relatively new to this list and to FusionPro (so feel free to 
tell me if this request is out of line), but I'm not new to 
programming computers (just don't know JavaScript yet), and I have a 
customer anxious for a job to be done.

Thanks in advance,

Steve Blatman
Ink Spot Printing & Copy Center, Inc.
14 Church Road, Frazer, PA 19355 USA
Tel: 610-647-0776
Fax: 610-647-4560

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