I know this is not the web forum, but this template will ultimately be on the web and the images will be different, potentially every time. We have no idea what graphics we will be supplied with. We have just given the user 3 possibilities, and they can populate those boxes if they so choose... I assume that this changes things.

On Jun 15, 2007, at 3:14 PM, Lauren Nackoney wrote:


I can't find the original email about your issue, but I think I understand what you are trying to do. Todd is correct that you want to use inline graphics (you do not need to have text in order to do this). However you will want to put the code into a text rule and return the rule in a text frame. You'll want code something like this, where you insert your data. First set up an array of the image names. Then in your text rule, make sure to have the Tagged text checkbox selected and apply the following code filling in the spots needed.

images="<p quad=C>";
for (i=0;i<NumOfImages;i++)
images+='<graphic file="' + ArrayName[i] + '" width="' + ImageWidth + '" height="' + ImageHeight + '">&nbsp;&nbsp;';

That should give you the results you're looking for. Obviously the &nbsp; (non-breaking space) will separate the different images inserted, so you'll need to put as many in as looks good to you.

Shane Gillies
Design Consultant

The Allegan Group
136 Brady Street
Allegan, MI 49010
Fx 269.673.7329

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