On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Christoph Reuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[randomly cropping my post]

>Pete Vincent wrote:
>> >  In other words, they'd have
>> > to drink flax oil by the litre (as you sold it..) per day to 
>> > reach the therapeutic dose of EPA -- but then they'd exceed the 
>> > maximum amount of fat ingestion per day.  In other words, flax oil 
>> > is a fraudulent rip-off.
>> So, you have as usual engaged in a vitriolic, vituperative, tirade,
>> arguing in support of points you have not yet made, and in the
>> context of the thread as a whole, your remarks are unfounded
>> and border on libellous. Not to mention mean-spirited, vile
>> and small minded.
> I made a general observation about flax oil, and you reply with a
> rampage of personal insults.  What happened to Netiquette and 
> soberness?

I say I was involved in helping to bring flax oil to north
americans who have a serious dietary shortage of essential
fatty acids, and you respond baselessly with "flax oil is a 
fraudulent ripoff", then you have the gall to accuse _me_ of 

Just how broken are you?

If you are going to conduct yourself like a reckless 
inconsiderate adolescent, you will elicit the responses
appropriate to your level of discourse.


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