Arthur, thank you. 


Between your response to Harry and your last posting about your thoughts on
the nature of this list you have given me the yea/nay guidance that I and
others asked for.


To Harry and Chris, I say no hard feelings on my part. You guys are just
doing what you do best. I understand. Perhaps with this matter being put
explicitly on the table you will do even better.


As I said at the conclusion of my original post to "This list":


[If I leave], those of you who know that I enjoy and learn from your
postings, and who may from time to time enjoy mine, please make note of my
email address in the header to this message, and please know that you will
ALWAYS be in my heart and your contacts will always be deeply welcomed by


To those who are only lurking here, if you too wish for a day in which
vibrant conversations might again prevail, I would love to hear from you as


And, finally, a desperate request: if any of you are engaged in constructive
and convivial discussions in other fora and might welcome my participation,
please email me....


I repeat the last item! And, finally, a desperate request: if any of you are
engaged in constructive and convivial discussions in other fora (including
discussion of the future of the economy, ethics, society and work) and might
welcome my participation, please email me....


I will add: While awaiting Arthur's answer I have had some quick and hopeful
exchanges with several people, and have a better sense of just how the
discussion of the future of work should be framed. This has been important
for me, both personally and professionally. Thank you - you know who you
are. And to the many who were encouraging and helpful in this "This list"
effort, I say to you a deep and heartfelt thank you. 


It took social courage, especially on Mike's part, who really got it
started, to try and accomplish something. He obviously touched on something
that has been lying just beneath the surface for some time. 


I'm sorry I could not bring it to a better conclusion.










[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cordell,
Arthur: ECOM
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] This list




Please stick around.  And please keep posting.  The list needs you and
perhaps you also need the list.





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