Bah!   You got your feelings hurt?   You've done the same to me many times and I've never quit.   Its beneath you.   Are you feeling OK?     This is a tough business that we are in and it calls forth tough responses.    I never looked at you to be so delicate.    Take a rest but don't leave.   You would be missed.    Activity keeps the Alzheimer's away. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 1:24 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: [Futurework] ) Hue and Cry on 'Whiteness Studies'


To me, you have the effect of being patronising and intimidatory. I think you have probably driven scores, if not hundreds of people away from this list over the years. Well, you've driven me away now. Don't bother to write to me because I will delete you and will continue to do so until I have indirect evidence that you have learned some degree of moderation and courtesy.

Keith Hudson

At 15:40 28/06/2003 -0400, you wrote:

Harry my comments are in red

Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England

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