Hi Dan,

Thank you for your detailed comments. While the answer is
disappointing, I understand and support the need for speed over trivial
aesthetics. But a huge bunch of thanks for looking into this in so much

I do wonder however, how something like pekwm handles this. It is
pretty fast there (though I have not used it at the same intensity level
as fvwm), but of course, does not have the full functionality of fvwm.
So, perhaps not a fair comparison. Anyway thinking aloud, nothing more.

Thanks again for your time and efforts!

Best wishes,

On Wed, 05 Dec 2012 10:30:20 -0500 Dan Espen <des...@verizon.net> wrote:

> Dan Espen <des...@verizon.net> writes:
> > Ranjan Maitra <stat.mai...@inbox.com> writes:
> >
> >> On Sun, 02 Dec 2012 00:14:45 -0500 Dan Espen <des...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Ranjan Maitra <stat.mai...@inbox.com> writes:
> >>> 
> >>> > Hello,
> >>> >
> >>> > I was wondering if it is yet possible to get rounded corners on
> >>> > windows using fvwm. I know that there is an unofficial patch around for
> >>> > this, but I was looking to hopefully avoid going out of the official
> >>> > version. 
> >>> >
> >>> > If it is not possible to get rounded corners on windows using fvwm, are
> >>> > there any plans for adding this support? If so, soon? Longer? Why not
> >>> > just adapt the patch?
> >>> 
> >>> Generally Fvwm only adds frivolous things (like FvwmAnimate),
> >>> when they don't add bloat to the core of fvwm.
> >>> 
> >>> I found a file named
> >>> 
> >>> 09-FluxRoundedCorners.patch
> >>> 
> >>> It doesn't qualify.
> >>
> >> OK, I am sorry for this naivete, but I don't know what parts in the
> >> patch cause the bloat: can they be worked around? (Of course, by
> >> that, I mean easily, since after all, anything can possibly be worked
> >> around.)
> >
> > If that's the complete patch, it's lacking documentation and only works
> > with 2 radiuses, would attempt to curve a 1 pixel border.  In short, it
> > looks like a hack.
> Looking again at rounded windows,
> I notice how they conflict with Fvwm's notion of a border.
> Fvwm borders come in beveled and flat flavors with variable width.
> A one or 2 pixel border doesn't lend itself to being rounded.
> I'm not sure how many pixels are needed before rounding becomes visible,
> probably around 5.  Bevels probably wouldn't work at all.  You couldn't
> just use a shape mask, you'd have to try to make the bevel follow the
> curve.
> So far I haven't found a generic method for building the shape mask that
> would account for the degree of curvature.  The patch I looked at, just
> used 2 different shape masks.  I'm not sure how well that approach would
> work at varying resolutions.
> Lastly, I found this pretty old Kenton Lee write up:
> http://www.rahul.net/kenton/perf.html#Shapes
> Shaped Windows
>   A performance  issue related  to object  shapes is  the use  of shaped
>   (non-rectangular) windows. Shaped windows  are available via the SHAPE
>   X protocol extension.
>   While  shaped  windows  can  be useful,  they  can  cause  performance
>   problems in  many situations.  Most importantly, Expose  events always
>   return rectangular exposure regions, so if a shaped window is moved or
>   unmapped, the  X server must send  many Expose events to  each exposed
>   window to describe the shaped region. If the client owning the exposed
>   window  processes each  event, its  performance will  be significantly
>   affected. In general, you should avoid repeatedly resizing, moving, or
>   unmapping  shaped windows  owned  by your  application.  Also, if  you
>   expect many Expose  events caused by shaped windows,  you should write
>   your Expose event handlers to compress the events as much as possible.
> So, I think that pretty much puts the nail in the coffin of shaped
> windows for me.  Rounded windows have visual appeal because the
> roundness is more visually appealing.  But I find fast pretty appealing
> too.
> Anyway, comments welcome.
> -- 
> Dan Espen

Ranjan Maitra <stat.mai...@inbox.com>

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