in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
wrote fvwm-workers thusly...
> I'm not quite happy with the tear-off menu code yet:
>  - Torn off menus have a strange focus policy.
>  - There is no good way to handle tear off menus with the mouse.
>  - Placement and sizing of the menus is not perfect.
> What do others think about tear-off menus?  What should be done?
> How can we improve usability?  Are there other issues I missed?

based on v2.5.1 experience...

menu items always seem to be in "MouseFocus" mode even if
"fvwm_menu" class was assigned "ClickToFocus" policy.  well, the
torn-off window does respect the "ClickToFocus" but menu items do
not.  (that's seem like your first point.)

other problem is when the torn off menu (window) is placed on two
pages, the menu doesn't behave like it does w/ "Animation" style
when there is no enough space to fit the whole menu (in non-torn
off mode).  i would expect the menu to slide on focus such that it
is appears in its entirety on the current page.  (that could be your
3d point.)

pressing "escape" on torn off menu's window title doesn't make it
disappear, only on the actual menu (items).

  - parv

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