Hi Mikhael,

On 15 Apr 2003 at 09:10:13 +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:

> > Are you doing the man page conversion for the new web site? 
> Yes, today or most probably tomorrow.

That's good. 

To support passing of different layouts between fvwm-sites relative
links should be done like:

<a href="<?php echo conv_link_target('stable/fvwm_man.php');?>">fvwm</a>

This uses the php-function conv_link_target which must be defined in
the actual layout file. Please check if your pages propagate the
actual layout definition to other pages:


I am going to write some developer information on the new website
about the layout interface, html-conventions, image names, .... 
Hopefully I find the time to do that today.

Before that I am going to finish the entry documentation page. This
might be done tonight.

When the man pages and the doc page are ready, we might put the first
version online ;-)

Regards, Uwe
  ,_,  Uwe Pross
 (   ) http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~uwp
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