2009/8/16 Erich Hoffmann <erichhoffm...@gmx.de>:
> Am Thursday 13 August 2009 21:18:29 schrieb Thomas Adam:
>> 2009/8/13 Erich Hoffmann <erichhoffm...@gmx.de>:
>> > Hello.
> [...]
>> >   I'd like to have a background with a color gradient from white
>> > (#FFFFFF) above to black (#000000) below.  Do I have to create a
>> > wallpaper image and insert that or is there another way?
> Hello Thomas, hello Eduardo.

Where'd Eduardo come from all of a sudden?

> Following your hints I had to realize that I should learn some basics
> first, so I opted for a very quick and directly ;) solution - I
> created the background I wanted in KDE, took a screenshot, convert(ed)
> shot.png to shot.xpm and inserted
> + I Exec exec xpmroot $HOME/.fvwm/BITMAPS/shot.xpm
> into the initialisation file.

Shame, as you're then not learning anything.  Here's your answer:

Colorset 7 VGradient 70 2 white 50 grey 50 black
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmBacker:*
*FvwmBacker: Command (Desk 0, Page * *) Colorset 7

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmBacker

(Note that all I did from my previous reply was change the colours and
up the gradient fill -- YMMV.  Change as needed.  Read the manpage,
experiment, do some learning, whatever it takes.)

-- Thomas Adam

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