On May 11, 2010, at 1:58 PM, Thomas Adam wrote:

> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:09:48PM -0700, Omar Zakaria wrote:
>> On May 11, 2010, at 12:58 AM, Thomas Adam wrote:
>>> On 11 May 2010 00:34, Omar Zakaria <omar_zaka...@agilent.com> wrote:
>>>> Hey everyone. I'm seeing a strange problem with FVWM v2.5.27. I'm
>>>> not sure if it's a bug or some odd configuration on my end or what,
>>>> but I'd appreciate some help all the same.
>>> Use 2.5.30, please.
>> Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, Tom.
> No problem.  Please, call me Thomas.

Sure. Sorry.

>> Just compiled and installed it now. I'm afraid there's no change. Actually,
>> I now have to kill the program twice before I can open windows correctly.
> When you say "kill the program", I am intrigued as to what that means.
> Logically, if you kill all instances of this program, including any forked
> process (or anything in its PGID), then starting it up a second time, should
> exhibit this same behaviour -- time and again -- regardless of the number of
> times you start this application.

I know. That's what makes this so weird.

When the program hangs, I suspend it (ctrl-z) and then send "kill -9" to the 
parent process. As you say, that should kill all child process etc., so the
next run should be like the last. However, it's not.

> So at this point, I am wondering whether you're killing what you think you
> are, because in my mind, what you've described here suggests that some
> process of this application is still running, and by you starting it a
> second time, after you "think" you've killed it, is actually forcing it to
> Do The Right Thing (tm) -- whatever that might be.

Hrm. Makes sense. Let me check...

Alright. I just ran a few tests using "ps ax" and the program. For future
reference and simplicity, the program is called Foresite and we launch 
it using a perl script that sets a few things up for us. The script is called 

Before launching the script, I ran "ps ax" to see what was running on the
machine. After launching the fstePacific script -- which subsequently 
launched Foresite -- I ran "ps ax" again to see what had fired up. I then 
suspended (ctrl-z) the fstePacific script and killed it using "kill -9 %1"
which should kill the suspended process. I then ran "ps ax" again to
see what had been killed.

I repeated this twice more until Foresite was able to launch correctly.
The file are all attached in a zip file in case you wan to see the raw
output yourself, but to summarize:

I can't see any differences aside from program running times between
the end of one run and the end of another. Also, I don't see any 
differences in the process list while the script and the smalltalk app
are running. Finally, the kill -9 %1 command seems to kill all sub-
processes cleanly. 

Yes, this makes very little sense.

>> I just went back and confirmed that this has always been the case: On
>> first launch, I only get to the app's splash screen before it hangs. On 
>> the second launch, I get to the app's main window, and on the third
>> launch, I can use the app freely.
> And do these steps necessitate you killing processes related to this
> application?

Yes. The only way we've found to restart the app is to kill it and its
subprocesses completely from the command line using either "kill -9" 
or ctrl-c. As you can see from the ps files, there are only two subprocess

By the way, we kill the perl script, not just the VM, so anything the perl
script runs should also get killed.

>> Aye aye. I'm afraid it's not particularly helpful, but here it is:
>> #0  0xb7f72402 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
>> #1  0x008a088d in ___newselect_nocancel () from /lib/libc.so.6
>> #2  0x009861d5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxcb.so.1
> Ah.  So it's using XCB, is it?  That's interesting as FVWM itself doesn't.
> I hope there's no oddity there in anything XCB provides as "backwards
> compatible".
> Is this with whatever SmallTalk would define as "-g" -- i.e., debug symbols?
> Looks a little light to me on information.

Yes, sorry about that. I didn't have the debugging vm available until 
just now. Please find a more complete stack trace attached as well. 
It's much longer because of all the assert statements the debugging 
environment adds.

>> I'll see if I can get authorization to send you the image. 
>> You might first download the Cincom VisualWorks VM. Like I said,
>> we're using v7.3.1. I think you can download that particular version 
>> from here: http://cincomsmalltalk.com/scripts/DownloadCD.ssp.
>> I'll see about getting something else to act the same way. At the
>> very least, I might be able to whip up a simple Smalltalk app that
>> does the same thing.
> Fine.  Then until you do that, there's really not a lot I can go on until
> then.  
> So I shall wait.

I'm working on that smalltalk app for you. I hope the above 
information is good enough to get you started, though.

Thanks again.

Omar Zakaria
Agilent Technologies
W: 707-577-4214

Attachment: ps_info.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

#0  0x00539402 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0x008f999d in ___newselect_nocancel () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2  0x002171d5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxcb.so.1
#3  0x00218bac in xcb_wait_for_event () from /usr/lib/libxcb.so.1
#4  0x00aeb8f1 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libX11.so.6
#5  0x00aebc17 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libX11.so.6
#6  0x00ad55ee in XPeekIfEvent () from /usr/lib/libX11.so.6
0x00a77f15 in mapWindow (display=0x819e8d0, window=15728721, do_raise=0, 
    wait_for_map=1) at src/plat/x11Canvas.c:255
#8  0x00a787e7 in adjustWindowPosition (display=0x819e8d0, window=15728721, 
    operation=0) at src/plat/x11Canvas.c:661
#9  0x00a78bb6 in mapNotify (ev=0xbfff3e60) at src/plat/x11Canvas.c:854
#10 0x00a7fdec in pdDispatchEvent (display=0x819e8d0)
    at src/plat/x11Event.c:854
#11 0x00a8f67c in getXinputForDisplay (display=0x819e8d0)
    at src/plat/x11Win.c:271
#12 0x00a8d0cb in xDisplaysDo (func=0xa8f59c <getXinputForDisplay>)
    at src/plat/x11Resource.c:843
#13 0x00a8f6c0 in getXinput () at src/plat/x11Win.c:287
#14 0x00a8f6d0 in pdSynchronizeInputGUI () at src/plat/x11Win.c:310
#15 0x0810bd84 in handleAsyncRequests () at src/stack/services.c:185
#16 0x0810be3c in handleRequests () at src/stack/services.c:229
#17 0x08101b84 in CrtAbortSend () at src/stack/nsupport.c:178
#18 0x080ff2b6 in rtAbortSend ()
#19 0x08f9f5b4 in ?? ()
#20 0x00970ff4 in ?? () from /lib/libc.so.6
#21 0xbfff4048 in ?? ()
#22 0x080b48ff in launchSystem () at src/mman/mmInit.c:523
#23 0x081db775 in ?? ()
#24 0x08c92c3c in ?? ()
#25 0x0929dc14 in ?? ()
#26 0x081db718 in ?? ()
#27 0x08234d4a in ?? ()
#28 0xbfffcef4 in ?? ()
#29 0x0825dc89 in ?? ()
#30 0x082a682c in ?? ()
#31 0x0929dc14 in ?? ()
#32 0x0825dc34 in ?? ()
#33 0xbfffcf08 in ?? ()
#34 0xbfffcf0c in ?? ()
#35 0x0825db97 in ?? ()
#36 0x0929dc14 in ?? ()
#37 0x082a682c in ?? ()
#38 0x0825db44 in ?? ()
#39 0xbfffcf24 in ?? ()
#40 0xbfffcf24 in ?? ()
#41 0x0825d69b in ?? ()
#42 0x082a682c in ?? ()
#43 0x0929dc14 in ?? ()
#44 0x0825d648 in ?? ()
#45 0x082a1aec in ?? ()
#46 0xbfffcf38 in ?? ()
#47 0x08257d11 in ?? ()
#48 0x082a682c in ?? ()
#49 0x08257c58 in ?? ()
#50 0x082a71c8 in ?? ()
#51 0xbfffcf50 in ?? ()
#52 0x081db570 in ?? ()
#53 0x092974e8 in ?? ()
#54 0x082a682c in ?? ()
#55 0x081db520 in ?? ()
#56 0x09296084 in ?? ()
#57 0xbfffcf6c in ?? ()
#58 0x08257c4f in ?? ()
#59 0x092974e8 in ?? ()
#60 0x082a682c in ?? ()
#61 0x082a7250 in ?? ()
#62 0x08257c00 in ?? ()
#63 0x081da710 in ?? ()
#64 0xbfffcf88 in ?? ()
#65 0x081d40be in ?? ()
#66 0x082a727c in ?? ()
#67 0x08c8174c in ?? ()
#68 0x082a7250 in ?? ()
#69 0x081d4010 in ?? ()
#70 0x081db502 in ?? ()
#71 0xbfffcfa0 in ?? ()
#72 0x081db510 in ?? ()
#73 0x082a682c in ?? ()
#74 0x092974e8 in ?? ()
#75 0x081db48c in ?? ()
#76 0x092b1f90 in ?? ()
#77 0xbfffcfb8 in ?? ()
#78 0x081d481c in ?? ()
#79 0x082a682c in ?? ()
#80 0x092974e8 in ?? ()
#81 0x081d47b0 in ?? ()
#82 0x081d40be in ?? ()
#83 0xbfffcfd0 in ?? ()
#84 0x081d4788 in ?? ()
#85 0x092974e8 in ?? ()
#86 0x09292970 in ?? ()
#87 0x081d4720 in ?? ()
#88 0xbfffcfe4 in ?? ()
#89 0xbfffcfec in ?? ()
#90 0x081d40be in ?? ()
#91 0x09292964 in ?? ()
#92 0x08cae914 in ?? ()
#93 0x09292970 in ?? ()
#94 0x081d4010 in ?? ()
#95 0x081d52c1 in ?? ()
#96 0xbfffd004 in ?? ()
#97 0x081d4713 in ?? ()
#98 0x092974e8 in ?? ()
#99 0x09292958 in ?? ()
#100 0x081d4698 in ?? ()
#101 0x08241e90 in ?? ()
#102 0xbfffd020 in ?? ()
#103 0x081d40be in ?? ()
#104 0x08c4fd84 in ?? ()
#105 0x08cae914 in ?? ()
#106 0x09292958 in ?? ()
#107 0x081d4010 in ?? ()
#108 0xbfffd038 in ?? ()
#109 0xbfffd038 in ?? ()
#110 0x081d44ba in ?? ()
#111 0x09292958 in ?? ()
#112 0x0929294c in ?? ()
#113 0x081d4455 in ?? ()
#114 0x09292940 in ?? ()
#115 0xbfffd04c in ?? ()
#116 0x080fe900 in minGlueInstr ()
#117 0x08c59dc8 in ?? ()
#118 0x081d4454 in ?? ()
#119 0x09292940 in ?? ()
#120 0x00000000 in ?? ()

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