Michael Großer wrote:
> Thomas Adam wrote:
>> 2011/12/28 Michael Großer <michael.gros...@gmx.de>:
>>> When I increased the total number of viewports from 144 to 432 some
>>> weeks ago, I redesigned my approach to manage the pagers (using some
>>> of these advices above). Today, 16 months later, my FVWM config should
>>> be a lot more mature and a bit less dirty compared to the status in
>>> August 2010. But, I still have some wishes and a lot of open sites.
>> So does this mean the problem still exists for you or not of FvwmPager
>> crashing?  Only you changed the topic, which suggests it's either gone
>> away, never existed, or you don't notice it enough for it to be a
>> problem.
> I have to find out special measurements for each system I run
> FVWM with:
>> # *minipager: Geometry 110x44+2-0
>> *minipager: Geometry 110x70+2-0
> When I have found special measurements for a system that do
> not crash the minipager, then the minipager does not crash on
> that system.
> When I migrate to another system (other graphic hardware or
> other graphic drivers), then I have to tweak the measurements
> again until I find a combination of sizes that do not crash
> the minipager on that system.
> An absolute no-go is to make the minipager so small that
> nothing of the viewports will be displayed. This crashes
> the minipager in any case.
> Since August 2010 I always work with this workaround. It's
> better than KDE, Gnome, Windows or anything; but much more better
> would it be if anybody would have the chance to find out WHY this
> pager is so damageable unter certian circumstances.
> As I mentioned on 2011-12-29, 00:26, I think about replacing
> the minipager (not the "pagerLarge" as I wrote than by mistake)
> by something different (FvwmButtons). This is an idea you
> gave me on Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 01:10:42PM +0200. I'm more
> skilled in FVWM than back in 2010 now, since I work with FVWM
> everyday and I tweaked my config from time to time. It's
> only a matter of weeks when I finally have enough ants in the
> pants to allow me a break and dedicate myself to the idea
> of replacing the minipager by FvwmButtons. When this will
> be done, then I will have to find out if this solution
> makes me happy.
> Well, this is the current status. I'm still claiming that
> the pager is damageable under certain circumstances. I'm
> still believing that its code contains a little time bomb that
> nobody discovered until now.
> Apropos "crash": There is no core dump, so maybe you would
> wish that I should name it "disappear" rather than "crash".
> But the result is the same: When something is wrong, then
> something is wrong.
> Best regards,
> Michael

I still know that the problem can only be fixed if someone
else than me can reproduce my observations. And I know that
you already tried this.

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