> writes:
>> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>>> Datum: Sun, 29 Aug 2010 12:17:52 +0100
>>> Von: Thomas Adam <>
>>> An: Michael Gro?er <>
>>> CC:
>>> Betreff: Re: FVWM: Fvwmpager crashes if no pages are to be shown
>>> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 01:10:42PM +0200, Michael Gro?er wrote:
>>> > Result: I cannot find a way to get "ulimit -c" returning
>>> > an "unlimited" result.
>>> It's really quite simple.  You do this in your ~/.bashrc file:
>>> ulimit -c unlimited
>>> ... and then you start FVWM in the normal way.
>>> Don't go near /etc/security/limits.conf -- that's per-process, and not
>>> what
>>> you're after.
>> Hi!
>> It seems that I am one step closer to get a core file.
>> "ulimit -c" now returns an "unlimited" result.
>> Problem is that I cannot provoke any core dump from any
>> application.
>> Which directory is to contain the core dump after FvwmPager
>> crashes? The home directory "~" of the user? What is to be the
>> name of the core dump file? Is it "~/core"?
> The core file should be in $HOME.
> The file name will be ~/core.nnnnn
> where nnnnn is some number.
>> How can I generally provoke core dumps?
>> I used "killall -9" to kill xterm, bash, firefox-bin, acroread
>> and mplayer. Nothing of these applications created a core
>> dump.
> Provoke the core dump by causing the Pager to crash.
> After you have a core file,
> ask us what to do next.


There is no file containing "core" in its name at $HOME.
I searched the whole hard disk of one computer and found
nothing that could be dumped by fvwm.

I try another way.

Here is a temporary link (would be too large for an attachment):

I reduced my fvwm configuration to a minimum.
I ask you to try this out.

I made two versions.

Version 1 is:
- It contains a screenshot "FvwmPager_lenny.png" to show you
  what I want to achieve.
- It contains the pager configuration and some very simple
  key bindings:
  - Win+Arrows to scroll throw the pages
  - Shift+Win+Arrows to scroll throw the desks

Version 2 is:
- It contains the screenshot "FvwmPager_squeeze.png".
- It contains an adjusted pager and key bindings configuration

Please study these configuration files and try them out.

Look at the screen shots:
- At the bottom left, you see a pager that shows
  12 desks.

- Next to this pager, in the right direction, you see
  a pager that shows 12 pages per desk and 4 desks
  at once. It shows either Desk 1 to Desk 4, Desk 5 to Desk 8
  or Desk 9 to Desk 12.

The small pager at the bottom left is of particular interest.
This is the one that crashes (or disappears). I will
explain later the precise preconditions to make it crash.

It is important to understand my demands:

1.) My goal is to get a pager that does not show
    any part of the viewport.

2.) My goal is to get a pager that does show the
    complete number of the desks. Not only
    the half of the digit "1" but also the whole
    digit "1". Not only the half of the digit "2"
    but also the whole digit "2". And so on up to

The problem is that these two demands are the
cause of the crashing.

If some parts of the viewports are shown, then
nothing crashes.

If some parts of the desktop labels are not shown
(if the desktop labels are not completely shown),
then nothing crashes.

It only crashes if the geometry of the pager exactly
fulfills my two demands explained above.

The next problem is that different Linux versions
come with different font sizes. If the font sizes
of the desktop labels do not fit to my geometry
specification in the configuration files, then
the pager does not exactly fulfill my two demands
explained above anymore, and consequently the
bug cannot be reproduced.

This is the cause I made to versions of the
config files with two accordant screenshots.

Lenny - fvwm 2.5.26
Look at this:
> > *minipager: Geometry 110x44+2+978

Squeeze - fvwm 2.5.31
Look at this:
> > *minipager: Geometry 110x45+2+962

Since at Debian Squeeze the fonts need more space,
the digits are not completely displayed with the
110x44 sizing, so I had to go up to 110x45 to
get the digits completely displayed.

You have to keep in mind that it is very important
to meet my two demands explained above. So please,
set your own geometry until you get this result.

Finally, I show you how to crash the pager.
Look at the file "0003_simple_keyboard_bindings".
You will find a key binding "Shift+Win+Right"
to go to the next desktop.

So, now press the Shift key and hold it down.
Do not release it.

Then, press the Win key and and hold it down.
Do not release it.

Finally, press right arrow key and and hold it down.
Do not release it.

Now, fvwm is switching from dektop 1 to 2, from
2 to 3, ..., from 11 to 12, from 12 to 1, and so on.
After 4 or 5 seconds (now I stopped it with the stop
watch), the left bottom pager just disappears.

I don't know why, but this is not normal.

Please do me the favor and try this out.
After you have seen it, how it disappears,
you can try to answer me why this pager
without further ado just - disappears.


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