
On Saturday, 2019-11-16 16:42:01 +0000, Hegel3DReloaded wrote:

> ...
> You need to leave this page.

Well, when I'm there, I'll have to leave this page.  But I don't want to
get there in the first place.  That's why I used the "SkipMapping" style
which I THOUGHT would prevent exactly this.

>                              Since this is probably in the InitFunction, then 
> simply:

No, as could be clearly seen,  it's not in the "InitFunction" but rather
in a shell script named "" which contains the command
"nohup firefox > /dev/null 2>&1 &".

But perhaps that's the cause?   Does "SkipMapping" only work for applic-
ations started from within the "fvwm" configuration file?   Could anyone
shed some light on this?

> ...
> Why not something like this in InitFunction or SessionInitFunction?
> + I Exec exec firefox
> + I Wait Firefox
> + I Next (Firefox) MoveToPage 0 1

>From the "fvwm" manpage I gather that "Wait ..."  "causes execution of a
function to pause until a new window matching ... appears".

That's exactly what I  want NOT to do!   I do NOT want  to watch Firefox
waiting for the WiFi to become ready and then to reload all its tabs!  I
want to enter commands into my terminal window in another page instead!

By the way: could you please explain the purpose of the "Next (Firefox)"
clause after using  "Wait Firefox"  to wait until the window has mapped?
Why not just use a plain "MoveToPage 0 1" here?


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