>>>>> "RP" == Rob Park <Rob> writes:

RP> Sorry, I was being a bit impatient. Mikhail (sp? sorry) explained
RP> that due to moderation, messages arrive out of order. No other
RP> list I know is like this ;)

Anything which trips the filters gets sent to me for approval.  It can
occasionally take me a little while to approve things, especially when
they come in while I'm asleep.  The filters are extensive.  Why do you
think this list sees so little spam when anyone can post to it?  Spam
and viruses sent to the list outnumber legitimate traffic by a factor
of at least five to one.

Pretty much every list works like this, except for the lists that just
throw away messages which trip the filters (leading to messages which
are lost instead of delayed).

 - J<
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