
I thought it's about time to give fvwm-themes a try.
(version 0.6.2 built for SunOS 5.8).

We're all forced here in my company to use the dt login/session manager.
I'm using a Dtsession X-resource, i.e. 
"Dtsession*wmStartupCommand:    /usr/local/gnu/bin/fvwm2",
to start fvwm instead of CDE (that's what we're supposed to use).
The docu says to add the startup command to .xsession or .xinitrc
(that's how I do it on my Linux PC), but AFAICS this Dtsession
doesn't read either .xinitrc nor .xsession.

I changed the startup command to "/usr/local/gnu/bin/fvwm-themes-start"
and this worked (the only problem I saw was with FvwmBanner see below)
until I tried to select one of the themes. Than I had
these nice color problems, e.g. menues in black on black.
Thus I've changed the Startup command now to
"/usr/local/gnu/bin/fvwm-themes-start -- -l 61" but now my error log has
a lot more to say:

--- snip ---
awk: syntax error near line 1
awk: illegal statement near line 1
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR2_BG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR2_FG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR3_BG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR3_FG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR1_BG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR1_FG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR3_BG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR3_FG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR1_BG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR1_FG"
Cannot parse color "CDE_COLOR6_BG"
couldn't create gradient
... [ more Cannot parse color and couldn't create gradient messages]
[FVWM][parse_colorset]: <<ERROR>> can't do Transparent when 
[FVWM][GetWindowSizeHints]: <<WARNING>> FvwmBanner window 0x5000001 has broken 
(min_width) size hints
Please send a bug report to the application owner,
        you may use fvwm-workers@fvwm.org as a reference.
hint override = 0
flags = 373
min_width = -12970356, min_height = -12975536, max_width = -12970356, 
max_height = -12975536
width_inc = 1, height_inc = 1
min_aspect = 0/0, max_aspect = 0/0
base_width = -12970356, base_height = -12975536
win_gravity = 1
--- snip ---

Thanks for your help


|  Klaus Zeitler      Lucent Technologies  |
|  Email:             [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
Sodd's Second Law:
 Sooner or later, the worst possible set of circumstances is bound to occur.
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