On 27 Aug 2003 09:07:06 +0200, Uwe Pross wrote:
> Hi there,
> On 27 Aug 2003 at 00:06:13 +0300, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> > The data directory is actually <prefix>/share/fvwm.
> > 
> > As for the original question, I would just put "fvwm-themes-start"
> > instead of "fvwm" to the user's start up scripts and stop to worry.
> > The users then could choose themselves any look and feel they want
> > (or leave the default theme).
> I had a try with fvwm-themes. I installed  it  as  described
> but after starting it there is no theme selection at all. In
> one of my logfiles there is a message which  seems  to  come
> from fvwm-themes: 
> Can't load module Data::Dumper, dynamic loading not available in this perl.
>   (You may need to build a new perl executable which either supports
>   dynamic loading or has the Data::Dumper module statically linked into it.)
>  at /home/4all/packages/fvwm-2.5.7/themes/bin/fvwm-themes-config line 618
> Could this state the cause for the failure? Is there a way
> to get it run without upgrading perl?

"dynamic loading not available in this perl"?

This is the first time I see report. Did you compile perl yourself and
disable some features at compile time? It seems unlikely that any
distributer distributes perl without such core feature.

After searching in Google, one of the possible reasons may be your
libperl.so not corresponding to your perl executable, that is f.e. at:


It seems that your perl instalation is partially broken, so I suggest to
install some distibuted binary package (or compile yourself).

Otherwise, what happens if you comment our the "require Data::Dumper;"
line and add "use Data::Dumper;" at the beginning of the script?

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