On Fri, Feb 01, 2008 at 08:53:32PM +0100, Viktor Griph wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Roman S Dubtsov wrote:
> >Also, I have attached:
> >* crash.log.bz2 --- log file obtained after source modifications described 
> >in
> >Viktor's e-mail,
> >* gdb.log.bz2 --- gdb log,
> >* fvwm.tar.bz2 --- my config (stripped down a bit).
> It seems as if XGetGeometry does the right thing, and gets the size of the 
> root pixmap, but XGetImage, still generates a BadMatch error. That is 
> quite strange, since the XServer is grabbed until after the call to 
> XGetImage. If the pixmap was invalid, I'd think that XGetGeometry should 
> fail as well, but apparently it doesn't.

That's because it is necessary to call XSync() right after
grabbing the X server.  The MyXGrabServer() function in
libs/Grab.c does this, and we really must never call XGrabServer
or XUngrabServer directly anywhere else because My...() does
reference conting (I'll fix that in my next patch).

However, I have no idea why the XSync() call is necessary.  I've
never seen any documentation that mentions it, but real life shows
that it is necessary (perhaps only with XFree86/Xorg?).

> >[snip]
> >
> >PS. I have added a check for NULL after XGetImage with a goto to the 
> >cleanup
> >portion of the function and was not able to reproduce the crash.
> That's as I expect. THat is actually the best solution I can come up with 
> right now. But it will not get rid of the X-errors.

We always have to cope with unexpected errors anyway.

> We should at least add 
> that kind of checks to all XGetImage calls. But ideally we should also 
> find a way to not get the error at all.

Using MyX(un)Grabserver() should fix this.

> I belive the error will be reduced 
> if the event queue is checked for additional background changes before 
> doing any redrawing. That should also save updating root transparancy for 
> a background that is remeoved directly. It will however not guarantee that 
> the background pixmap isn't removed during the actual update.



Dominik ^_^  ^_^

Dominik Vogt

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