On Wed, 6 Feb 2008 16:15:11 +1100
Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 06Feb2008 00:37, Michal Nazarewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | "for.register for.register" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> | > I used to  xcompmgr in fluxbox, since I can set different alpha value
> | > in ~/.fluxbox/init for different transparency. For focus window,
> | > transparency can be set to 1%, mean while unfocus windown can set to
> | > 90%. My question is can I do the same thing in fvwm under xcompmgr?
> | 
> | I've written it in another thread, so sorry for repeating: I've written
> | a module which does this -- it can be obtained from tinyapps.sf.net.
> | I'm using it ever since I've started using FVWM.
> I expect you can also do it using FvwmEvent, watching the focus change
> events.

Probably, I never player with this things. But don't get too happy about 

It is old, it is buggy (depending on the options you use) and it doesn't use any
hardware acceleration. It will eat your cpu if you need to move a bin window
from one page to another. It was just a tool designed to showcase xcomposite,
xdamage and all the new technologies that arised in xorg. But it is just that:
a toy.
Jesús Guerrero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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