On Wed, 8 Aug 2001 10:49:35 +0100, Ian Phillipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just sent myself a test message from Genie.co.uk which did, indeed,
> fail to send those prohibited characters. It also mapped '_' to '-' BTW,
> but this might be an artefact of the Genie site. My phone doesn't have '_'.

_ is char 17 (0x11) in GSM 03.38.

But many SMS-sending sites do horrible things to messages. They
usually do some kind of non-standard ISO-8859-1 to GSM translation
where accented chars are lost, etc. They also do things like mapping
[{}] into (()), and  «» to <<>>, for example.

I'm currently programming a SMS sending service for my company
(www.peoplecall.com), so I'm a bit touchy about those issues :-)


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