On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 03:56:23PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a tribute to John W Backus and his team of
> IBM super programmers who developed the first
> FORTRAN compiler from scratch in 1954-57,
> how about trying for a JAPH consisting
> only of valid FORTRAN 0 characters?
> ----------------------------
>         DIMENSION A(11)
>         READ A
>  2      DO 3,8,11 J=1,11
>  3      I=11-J
>         Y=SQRT(ABS(A(I+1)))+5*A(I+1)**3
>         IF (400>=Y) 8,4
>  4      PRINT I,999.
>         GOTO 2
>  8      PRINT I,Y
>  11     STOP
> Unfortunately, I am not sure of the valid FORTRAN 0
> character set, but I hope it does not allow lower
> case characters since that is what makes the JAPH
> interesting.

Using the same tricks as with the SMS JAPH, one can construct most,
if not all, Perl programs out at most 12 characters: the digits 0-7,
`=', `~', `\' and `"'.

But I guess that ~ isn't in FORTRAN 0, and perhaps " and \ aren't either.


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