On Thu, 09 Aug 2001 at 09:04:55 +0200, Abigail wrote:

> But I guess that ~ isn't in FORTRAN 0, and perhaps " and \ aren't either.

IBM mainframes until recently still made allowances for the
"48-character set" which was presumably what was available then. Let's
see: [-A-Z0-9,./*+=()$' ] 
(see http://www.osdata.com/topic/language/pli.htm)
I'm not sure about "'" in very early versions of Fortran, since
string variables would be like this, if I remember rightly:

      PRINT 100

No, it's not lower case because theyre *isn't* a lower case. The IBM
1130 I used a while ago had a special golfball supplied for the console
printer with *two sets of A-Z*. What twisted logic leads people to
"solutions" like that is entirely beyond me.

I don't see any way on the face of it to write *any* perl program in
this character set. No lower case, no '\\', no {}.

Consider this your challenge for the day...

Now I must get back to work, not really fun with perl. I have to
remember what IO::Socket did 2 years ago, which is when the platform I'm
using was frozen :-(


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