On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 09:58:19PM -0600, Dave Hoover wrote:
> >     Well, obviously, being able to get the score of the golfer would
> > be kind of fun. :)
> OK.

        And having the score of previous golf courses would be neat too.
And, and that would be Neat witha capital, underlined N, is to
get the submitted scripts too.

        Oh, and maybe a fake golfer with the name 'winner' that 
would alias to the winner of that course?

        And having a field that says if the golfer was a veteran or
a beginner?

        And I think that's all I can think of for now. :)

> No, there's no risk at all.  PGAS only uses your *best* solution for the
> leaderboard.  The only way for someone to mess with your official score is
> by helping you.

        Almost as bad. :) Remember that some of the Perl golfers
here have samurai-like attitude regarding their code. Seeing
their entry substitued by a better one that isn't of their
own making could be seen as a severe breach of honor and could
lead to sepuku (and with a keyboard, lemme tell you that /that/
hurts) or, worse still, seeking atonement by taking a MSCE course.


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' 104097099107101114046';until(7==y/Ya-zP.// / y/ //){s/\d{3}/

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