On Sep 13, 2008, at 8:38 PM, Bill Christensen wrote:

> In early August a security hole in the Domain Name System (the
> "traffic cop" part of the internet that changes the name you type in
> to your browser such as 'paypal.com' into an IP address of a specific
> machine) was discovered.  Not all domain name servers have been fixed
> yet, though patches exist for most of them.

Many DSNes run Windows, but a real-deal-SEAL DNS which runs under  
Unix is available for free.

Those which don't run Windows for their DNSes run that Unix version.

There really is no excuse running a mission-critical software system  
on something as flimsy as Windows.

I would run it on a System/390 or a z/System.

System/360 ... System/390's and z/System's predecessor ... was  
reliable enough to get us ... the U.S. ... to the Moon and back,  
during Project Apollo, although it ran the Houston-based software,  
not the LEM or CM software, which computer had all of 1K of RAM.

The Houston-based System/360s had a meg or two of RAM, back when a  
megabyte of main storage cost a million dollars, and the largest disk  
drive was on ten 14" diameter platters and had a capacity of 30  
megabytes per module, with a maximum of eight modules per disk  

I've been programming System/360, System/370, System/390, and the  
various Amdahls which were System/370 and System/390 compatible, for  
nearly 45 years and the code I wrote 45 years ago will still run on  
IBM's latest and greatest with no modifications.

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