On Oct 24, 2008, at 5:55 PM, Stephen Conrad wrote:

> Ummm, why would you want to scrap out perfectly good usable monitors
> just so you could spend money on an LCD?

Sometimes spending money actually saves money. In the case of LCD  
monitors, the payback period in electricity saving is enough to pay  
for the monitor.

While Bruce may have pointed out that health concerns over EMF are not  
statistically proven, the converse is also true, they are not  
statistically disproved. It is a fact that most forms of  
electromagnetic radiation DO have biological effect, and large,  
statistically valid samples have shown that cancers such as skin  
cancer ARE correlated DIRECTLY to exposure levels. We know the inverse  
square law applies, and that people tend to sit very close to their  
monitors. The EU computer safety whitepaper has studied this subject  
recommended a safe viewing distance of 86cm, which is substantially  
further away than most CRT users sit.

I've inherited an old 1970's Ford LTD with a big 500 ci engine that  
gets about 6 mpg. It too is "perfectly good usable", but it wastes  
money in gas, pollutes the air, and carries enough momentum to kill  
people driving more fuel efficient vehicles if there were an accident.  
I can't justify ever using this vehicle again, and I don't feel  
comfortable selling it, so it's headed to the recycler even though  
it's "perfectly good". Your free, disposed of, CRTs are not an example  
of a efficient use of recycling. Rather it shows the laziness of the  
average citizen, placing a CRT in a dumpster rather than recycling it.  
And you, to cheap to do yourself a favor, there are new LCDs for less  
than $100, buy one, IT PAYS FOR ITSELF! Society as a whole is better  
served with your CRTs in the landfill than with them in use. They're  
digging coal in Wyoming and shipping it on a smokey diesel train to  
Missouri and burning it releasing tons of CO2 into the atmosphere so  
that you can waste energy with an antiquated CRT monitor that possibly  
harms your health in other ways. There was a reason the monitor was in  
the trash, and it has nothing to do with whether or not it's  
"perfectly good usable". It's always about money. They're saving money  
by throwing the CRT away. You're wasting money by using it.

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